PORTRAIT OF PURPOSE //Udo Nery The emptiness is scary, but it’s taught me how to be comfortable in solitude. It’s still early. Hardly anyone has arrived yet. I see one to question myself. Was it good enough? There were a person, then another. No familiar faces. The sound of few good things, but was it surprising enough? Could it silence echoes in the air, and I prefer it this way. have had a bit more power? I think I should try something Yesterday, I managed to glance at some recent data. fresher, something that’s trending on social media. Here Predictions from respected institutes. Many people are I go, starting all over again. But I’m not alone anymore; skeptical of data, but when you have a discerning eye and familiar faces have arrived and can help me to evaluate. ask insightful questions, predictions usually come true. There are newcomers who might hinder. There are those That’s what happened. Whether through intuition or by more competitive who will want to challenge. But that’s closely examining the current scenario, all the data was another thing I’ve learned. Here, the first person you must confirmed. We have great challenges, but also a big overcome is yourself. Confront your fears and address your opportunity ahead. When I say big, I mean huge. shortcomings. In moments like these, there’s no time for beating At the first opportunity, they’ll pull you down. Sometimes, around the bush. It’s better to dive in before the it’s even your fault. Sometimes, it was a silly mistake. It crowd arrives. doesn’t matter. When that happens, you’ll have to emerge Some people prefer starting as a group. I prefer starting on your own. Don’t rely on others to pull you out of the alone. I need time to myself, to put things in order in my depths. Wow, I lost track of time. The day is already ending. mind. It’s not that I’m egocentric, far from it. I’m usually a But when the day gives way to night, the result is this: I went better listener than speaker. But this endeavor that we’ve after a lot of good things, and I didn’t waste energy on the chosen to undertake is like that - collective and individual, bad. I reconnected with myself. I received approvals that connected and isolated, altruistic and selfish, complex by massaged the ego. I made mistakes and learned from nature. The emptiness is scary. I know it was my choice, as them. I tried new things. I repeated old tricks that still work. it always is. It’s good, but it’s bad. Over the years, this task has instilled in me the ability to be comfortable in solitude. I don’t know if you thought I was narrating my last surfing Learning that moments of isolation are opportunities to session or describing my creative process for the reconnect with my thoughts and learn more about myself. latest campaign. The thing is, both activities have a lot in common. It all begins with a great void and a knot in I’ve been alone for twenty minutes, but it feels like a the stomach. But when the sun sets, we end up fulfilled, lifetime. I think something is emerging in the distance. I longing for another day to start all over again. can’t know what it is, whether it has a future or if it’s just an illusion. The only way to know is to take the plunge. The closer it gets, the more it seems like it’s going to UDO NERY be good. Rhythm, surprise, originality, power; I went all Associate Creative Director at Havas Health & You Brazil, in, and it was worth it. I don’t want to be alone anymore. multi-sportsman, and former professional bodyboarder. Where is everyone? I need approval, or maybe not. I begin