ROWENA BHAGCHANDANI The storm can teach us things that the calm never will These times have showed us that we can trust as well as one another in the community gives us our staffers to do their best even in the worst hope that we can pull through this together. of situations. Whether it is from the office or home, URL or IRL, remote shoots or stock edits, And in this storm, we are also taught that our our people are still finding creative ways to personal and professional roles are more intertwined challenge the status quo and to keep our agency than ever. At first geographically, then mentally brand flying high. This is both humbling and and emotionally. Our property has always been motivating — and it has inspired us to build an intellectual, so mental health cannot just be one of even better environment for our agency family. the priorities, it must be the priority. So we learnt very quickly to write new normal rules around work We are also reminded that the best work can life balance - to ensure we are taking care of our bring the best out of people. That people are notpeople in the best way possible. inherently selfish, that we are giving beings, that we genuinely care for one another. And that a These are some of the things that give us hope as an real big hairy idea is still king. This we witnessedagency, that no matter what, we will keep learning, first-hand in our COVID-19 projects like Love, adapting, adjusting and readjusting. To not just Translated and Tekka Online Market. The way survive despite the storm, but to thrive in spite of it. people came together to support these projects 33 DARE!