THIS IS HAVAS TURKEY CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! S for. And then there was the challenge we couldn'tdesigning for print again. The purity, the beautytwice. First, there was that magical attraction ofof an almost forgotten craft we secretly longedagency. Yet when we were offered the difficultAs most readers will know, February to June isnot exactly the most relaxed period for an adtask of designing for Dare! #5, we didn't think avoid: we loved all the previous editions, all unique in their own way. So what would be our interpretation? We came up with the concept almost instant- ly. Ever since the beginning of the pandemic, however grim the news may be, hope has always been lingering somewhere in the background GO T vaccinations rolling out, the chances of a worryfree embrace seems closer than it has been forof everything Havas is achieveing as a network.But, admittedly, there's something personal forus in there too. For Havas Turkey, in the darkestkeeping us strong and motivated. Now with thesome time. Hope, is also at the heart and souldays, our work was one of the few things thatkept giving us hope. Just a few weeks into 2020 when the pandemicprofit organisation or a company with a socialWe thoroughly enjoyed this challenge. We hope was yet a storm brewing far away, we were sittingresponsibility goal. We took active part in savingyou enjoy it as much as we did making it. at the huge boardroom of one the world's biggeststray animals' lives, standing up for LGBTQ rights, white goods manufacturers, prepping for oureliminating single use plastic from our country or pitch presentation. There was the usual bunch:our country or imposing abiding traffic rules. accounts people and creatives, planners and social media experts. And then, there were others.Yet there's one lesson that stands above the rest: Turkey's number one sociological researcherif you have a truly meaningful purpose, and if you #5 for instance. A regular figure on national newsare sincere about pursuing it, its magnetic power is channels with his deep-dive analyses on Turkishbeyond what you can buy with money. Celebrities people. Or a TV content guru, seated right nextenlisting without being asked. Media channels, to an angel investor. The most unusual facescontent creators coming to your aid. Academics, however, were those of two physics professors.scientists yearning to take part. A highly acclaimed duo who had been leading the Turkish delegation in CERN experiments inEveryone is aware of the pace at which the world Switzerland for almost two being destroyed and many agree that urgent action is needed. Polls suggest that the majority Concept The introduction came as quite a surprise toof people, everywhere in the world, put moreERGİN BİNYILDIZ the client. And yet their awe would increasetrust in brands than they do in governments andVOLKAN DALKILIÇ when deeper into the presentation we playedpoliticians. So it should come as no surprise thatAHMET SEFER some videos: presidents of top two NGOswhen a brand can convince that it is genuinely and Turkey's number one anchorman wereready to use its power to restore at least some ofArt Direction addressing them directly. Now, what kind of awhat's been lost, it may be seeing the unlikeliest ofAHMET SEFER joint proposal could possibly bring togetherallies lining up on its side. such an extraordinary bunch? Graphic Design Back to the pitch: our proposal was to create theERMAN YILMAZ, INFORMAL PROJECT Working extensively with Finish on waterworld's first Goodness Development Department preservation for three years has taught us a(GDD). A council made up of engineers, NGOCover Illustration lot. Functioning truly as a village, creative andreps, opinion leaders and academics, operatingFURKAN NUKA BİRGÜN media operating as one seamless team. Makingpretty much like an R&D department. Yet, for the a purpose statement applicable to all sorts ofsole purpose of innovating to improve the planet.Poster Illustration ETHEM ONUR BİLGİÇ content and mediato truly hack the culture andNot only did that idea win us the pitch, a year and siege the audience. Or turning somewhat didactica half later, the GDD is about to officially take Producer messages into compelling relevant stories. Andoff (with some of the attendants from that day,İREM AKALIN we have successfully applied these learningsincluding some seats for the agency too). There's a to several situations whether it be for a non-lot to worry about in this world. Yet, there is hope.Account Director AYÇA DEMİRBAŞ I T ? Chief Communications & CSR Officer, Havas Grouplorella.gessa@havas.comSUSAN CHRISTIEDeputy Communications Director, Havas GroupLORELLA GESSAcontact havas group communcations team LORELLA GESSA SUSAN CHRISTIE VINCENT DENIS PATRICIA MURPHY HELENE NICE